This is the tech show demo for forum 88-79. Once your return is complete, form 88-79 will populate on the left-hand side of the screen. All you have to do is double click. This is your efile signature authorization. Normally, you'll only be dealing with the top half. This allows your client to tell you how they want their refund type, and it goes as follows: Number one is a check from the IRS. Clients will receive a check directly from the IRS. This is normally for a person who is paying upfront. Once they receive the check, mail it to their residence. Note that this is not a bank product. Number two is DD from the IRS. Clients will receive a direct deposit from the IRS. This is normally for a person who is paying upfront. Once the direct deposit from the IRS is received, it is not a bank product. Number four is balance due. Choose this option if the client owes a federal balance. Number five is C bank. Clients will receive a check from your office or a direct deposit from your account. This is a bank product for clients that are not paying upfront. This concludes the demo for form 88-79.
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